For many (many) years now I have been attending daily Mass. I was blessed to be able to do so. It was, and still is, my top priority. Well, as it happened, some rather unfortunate and unavoidable circumstances arose where over the past couple of months, attending daily Mass was no longer a viable option. Through constant prayer, mine and many (many) others, believe me, it seems like those circumstances have been resolved. Thanks Be To God!!
Though arising early each day to faithfully engage in morning prayer via the Liturgy of the Hours, I always looked forward to Mass. When I could not attend, something happened. There was this huge void in my heart and, sad to say, it manifested itself in many ways. Yes, I could sit before the Blessed Sacrament daily (and I did), I could read the daily readings (and did) , and I could say my morning prayers (and did), but it was my participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass each day that really kept me grounded. Giving glory, honor and praise to God, being there at the foot of the cross, uniting my sufferings with those of Jesus', and, of course, receiving the Eucharist, Jesus Himself, kept me going. No matter what was going on in my life, whatever uncertainties there were, whatever the plan was for the day, I was able to face them head on. This might sound trite to some, and perhaps it is, but it is true. Daily Mass, and all that goes with it, gave me the strength needed to face the day.
WIthout daily Mass, I began to experience the "less"es: I noticed myself becoming less charitable, less patient, less focused, less forgiving, less self-sacrificing, the list goes on. But above all, I felt less close to God! The key word is less. Humbly I admit, I often struggle with these anyway, but they did not become so universally pronounced till not going to daily Mass. Being of the mathematical and statistical persuasion, I made the direct correlation.
Does it mean that one has to attend daily Mass to be in communion with the Lord or to be charitable, patient, etc.? Absolutely NOT. These reflections are not intended to reflect badly on anyone. Merely, these were my experiences, and my experiences alone. I felt the need to express them. Perhaps others have felt this, especially during this pandemic. Perhaps should anyone read this who has the opportunity to attend daily Mass (or at least more often than just on Sunday) might reflect on this and, who knows, might consider going to daily Mass. Regardless, I just wanted to share them and to, again, express my profound thanks to God that attending daily Mass (hopefully) will soon be possible again.